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The Trinder Family

In Loving Memory Of Laura Trinder

Laura lit up every room and person she met. Her presence left people better, uplifted, stronger and brighter than before.

This space is built for those stories of laura: the specific moment you first met; that one thing she said or did; the conversation or moment you’ll hold onto for life. Your memory shared here will bring together her story - a beautiful snapshot of her infinite light. This collection is for you, for her daughters, forever.

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Remembering Laura Trinder

Posted By: Carolyn Vandenbos
When we lived in St. Catharines, Ryan and Laura would stop by with McKenna for a visit. You could see how much she loved being a mom...
Posted By: Laura Tolhoek
Laura and I had the privilege of friendship pre-social media... looking back on memories I had with her meant pulling…